Consultants of choice training workshop - card image

Consultants of choice training workshop

Online - October 21, 2021 at 9:30am - 4:30pm


The world is changing, and technical expertise is no longer enough. In this full-day training workshop, speaker, author, strategist and self-professed rebel, Alicia McKay challenges consultants to think bigger and become strategic influencers.

In this fast-paced, interactive session, engineering consultants at all levels will think more strategically about their role in shaping New Zealand’s future and learn the skills to:

  • Create more meaningful partnerships with clients and industry connections
  • Define a high-value commercial strategy for long-term success
  • Lead teams with purpose, values and conviction
  • Bring their personal passions and intentions into their careers and projects
  • Become thought leaders and experts in their chosen niche

About the presenter

Alicia McKay, straight-talking strategist

Tackling the tricky stuff in life, work and leadership, Alicia McKay doesn't waste time with buzzwords and bullsh*t. A leading expert in strategy and change, Alicia helps people, teams and leaders to make sense and make decisions to transform their lives, teams and organisations.

Author, speaker, facilitator and coach, Alicia has worked with New Zealand and Australia’s most senior leaders in government, business and the community to develop cutting-edge strategy, lead change and become more effective leaders in the face of uncertainty.

Co-host of the “What's On Your Mind?” podcast, prolific blogger, and author of two books - 'From Strategy to Action: A Guide to Getting Shit Done in The Public Sector' and 'You Don't Need an MBA: Leadership Lessons to Cut through the Crap', Alicia brings her fresh thinking, irreverent humour and sharp insight to audiences across the globe.

Event location

Attend the event online. 

Purchase tickets 

Tickets are limited to 50 places. Prices are:

  • Under 35 years ACE New Zealand member $599
  • ACE New Zealand member $799
  • Non-member $999

Purchase your tickets