Meaningful engagement with Māori - card image

Meaningful engagement with Māori

Webinar - November 09, 2022 at 3:00pm - 4pm


When: Wednesday 9 November at 3.00 - 4.00pm

Where: Webinar

Cost: Free

Webinar – Meaningful engagement with Māori 

There are many examples of how a failed community engagement plan or no engagement at all has toppled major infrastructure projects. In the United States for example, a 1,175 mile oil pipeline programme came to a halt because they overlooked the need to engage the indigenous people of Dakota. Work was held up for at least two and half years. This cost the company approximately $22million and numerous court cases.

Within New Zealand, the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi centre around partnership, working together reasonably and in good faith, being informed of each other's interests to contribute to decision making, protecting Maori interests retained under the Treaty, and processes to address differences of view. Meaningful engagement is a general requirement of any major project and there is an increased expectation from government to engage with Māori, particularly when infrastructure projects impact their communities and that which they culturally value.

This presentation will provide insights into the types of engagement that occur and what may count as ‘meaningful and genuine engagement’ with Maori. Business approaches and considerations will be explored, including understanding what you need to have in place as a company, how you may proceed and who needs to be involved. You can also ask questions about what your organisation needs to do to better engage with your local Iwi. 

About the presenters

Marie McCarthy: Marie is an environmental social scientist who has a specific interest in pathways to community sustainability. She has 25 years’ experience in social science having contributed to and led engagement on a range of significant multi-disciplinary projects across research and policy areas. She brings her knowledge of te reo and tikanga to her work and has experience with Māori resilience development, natural disasters, climate adaptation and climate change strategic development. With an interest in Māori engagement design processes, Marie has led engagement across central government, iwi and sector interest stakeholder groups. Marie has held strategic roles with the Ministry for the Environment, Scion, University of Auckland and in the private sector. She has also been on a range of national working parties in the science and research space as a Māori representative. 

Sarah McCarter: Sarah McCarter is a Principal Planner based in Auckland, New Zealand, and is Team Leader for one of our Auckland planning teams. Sarah holds the Certificate in Engagement from the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) and a Masters of Environmental Legal Studies. She is involved in a range of communication and engagement activities, including engagement design and overseeing engagement processes. Sarah’s engagement and communications experience is supported by a holistic understanding of a range of environmental planning and resilience issues, particularly coastal planning, natural hazards and climate change. She has worked for local authorities and government agencies across New Zealand and the Pacific and has a sound understanding of legislative processes, as well as the unique climate-change related challenges and vulnerabilities faced by people, economy, infrastructure and culture. 

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