Report a contract issue

At ACE New Zealand we are seeing an increasing number of contracts going out with unfair or unreasonable terms and conditions, such as unreasonable or disproportionate liability requirements, and poor procurement behaviours.

These bespoke amendments to contracts can lead to protracted negotiations that add significant delays and costs to a project. They also add significant costs and barriers to smaller firms participating in the market, with the risk that uninformed bidders participate in the bidding process and when something goes wrong these bidders are unable to absorb the financial loss.

When we are alerted to contract issues, we publish practice alerts to let our members know and support them to request fair terms and conditions. We also advocate directly with clients to address the issues.

To report an issue with a contract or poor procurement behaviour, please complete the form below. This will help us advocate on your behalf. 

Tell us about your contract concern 

Use the form below to report which contract you are concerned about and why. Someone from our team might contact you, but we won't share this information with the client or any other third party without your consent.