Three waters reform with Minister Mahuta breakfast
Wharewaka Function Centre, Wellington and online - March 15, 2022 at 7:00am - 9am
If you're an ACE New Zealand member, join us for breakfast with the Honourable Nanaia Mahuta to discuss key issues around three waters reform.
The Local Government Minister will talk about plans for the transition and transformation of the reform and how we can work together to lead constructively.
This event will not be recorded.
About the presenter
Nanaia is the Minister of Local Government and Foreign Affairs, and the Associate Minister for Māori Development. She is a tribal member of Waikato-Tainui, Ngāti Maniapoto and Ngāti Manu and her parliamentary experience has enabled her to contribute to the collective aspirations of Maori and all New Zealanders. She has supported policies and initiatives that built the capacity of communities, especially social service organisations, greater investment in education, employment and training opportunities, and supported the continuation of the Treaty settlement process.
Purchase tickets
- ACE New Zealand member - $60
- ACE New Zealand member young professional (35 years and under) - $40
A plated breakfast is included in the ticket price.
To confirm your spot, purchase your tickets
- All - $25
To confirm your spot, purchase your tickets
COVID-19 guidelines
Event attendees are required to scan into the venue using the Covid Tracer App and provide proof of vaccination (or official exemption). A face-covering is required upon entry into the venue.