Standards New Zealand discounts to end

Standards New Zealand is no longer able to provide discounted access to online library subscriptions for ACE New Zealand members. The organisation has provided an update on why the change is happening and what this means for ACE members. 


Why the change?

Standards New Zealand does not receive any third-party funding and operates on a cost-recovery basis.

The fees that Standards New Zealand charges are required to fund the work they do as New Zealand’s national standards body. This includes the development of domestic and trans-Tasman standards, participating in developing international standards, adopting international standards for New Zealand and providing access (retail sales and subscription) to standards as well as representing New Zealand on the international standardisation stage and fulfilling a number of international obligations for New Zealand.

Ending the discounted access to standards better supports Standard New Zealand’s cost-recovery model, aligns with the fee-setting and cost-recovery provisions in the Standards and Accreditation Act 2015 and supports the principles of equity and transparency as outlined in the Act in Part 1 Section 28.

The discounted access to your collection of standards will end at the expiry of your subscription date.

What does this mean for you?

Standards set the benchmark for good practice. They drive safety and compliance across all industries. Standards support interoperability, brings efficiency, and ensures quality and safety for protection and prosperity.

Standards New Zealand would like to continue to provide access to this important resource and will work with you to look at alternative solutions to continue your access to standards and standards-related documents as your subscription comes up for renewal.

Options include:

  • Continuing your existing subscription at the retail cost
  • Adjusting your online library based on your usage from the last 12 months
  • Subscribe to our curated Collections as an alternative subscription

There is also a range of building-related standards which are sponsored by the building regulator. You are able to access these standards for free. 

Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the support team at Standards New Zealand directly at [email protected] or 0800 782 632.


Why is the discounted price not available anymore?

As a cost-recovery business unit, Standards New Zealand is required to operate in a commercially-sustainable manner in order to recover costs to develop, maintain, provide access to standards and represent New Zealand as the National Standards Body.

When will the discount end?

The discounted price will no longer be available once your current subscription has expired. The pricing will automatically revert to the retail price for the subscription. Standards New Zealand team is happy to work with you to discuss alternative options if needed.

Who can I contact if I have further questions or need assistance?

Please email [email protected] or phone 0800 782 632.