Futurespace 2023
Naumi Hotel Wellington - Wednesday 20 September – Thursday 21 September
Futurespace is an ACE New Zealand conference for c-suite executives, up-and-coming leaders, innovators, designers and professional consultants at the top of their game who want to enhance their professional repertoire.
Held over two days at the Naumi Hotel Wellington from 20 - 21 September, Futurespace offers attendees the opportunity to join other curious creatives and poke the brains of some of the best consultants in Aotearoa.
This year's keynote speakers include New York Times best-selling author Johann Hari, multi-award-winning speaker, trend forecaster and author Michael McQueen and business leader Maureen Thurston. You'll also hear from Alicia McKay, Jodie King, Siobhan Procter, Carrie Hurihanganui, John Gamble, Andy Ellis, Jon Huxley, Anna Guenther, Joe Slater, Nasrine Tomasi, John Blyth, Wharehuia Dixon, Kat Jackson, Fleur Aldridge, Jonathan Cartledge, Chloe Stewart-Tyson, Ingrid Snyman, Mike Westbury, Alistair Cattanach, Juliet Woodward, Matt Harris, Rajeev Balan, Jack Donaghy and Sam Wiffen.
Registration has now closed for Futurespace but check out the programme here futurespaceconference.nz