Other memberships

If you’re no longer a professional services consulting firm working in the built and natural environment, but you love our Kaupapa, you might be interested in one of our other memberships:

  • Retired membership

  • Honorary member

Retired membership

To qualify for retired membership, you must first have held ACE New Zealand membership. When you (or your firm) have deemed it time to retire (minimum age of 55 applies), please contact ACE New Zealand staff in writing (email or letter) to inform us of your retirement, or ceasing from practice. We can then convert your existing membership into retired ordinary membership. There is no annual fee for retired membership.

It is an important distinction to note that retired members have ceased from actively practising within the profession of consulting engineering. 

Apply for retired membership

Honorary members

From time to time, ACE New Zealand recognises the long-term commitment and volunteer service by individuals to the association through bestowing Honorary Membership. Find out more