Skills shortage, recruitment & immigration challenges webinar
Webinar - August 17, 2021 at 2:30pm - 4pm
Join us, Civil Contractors New Zealand, Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects and Master Builders as we look at the current Immigration NZ systems and processes so your firm can make an informed decision when thinking about recruiting workers from overseas.
Our recent skills shortage survey found that our collective memberships have thousands of vacancies they are unable to fill from the local New Zealand market. We also know from recent research undertaken by HainesAttract Recruitment, that there is a strong pool of international candidates who are keen to immigrate to New Zealand and work in our sector. Despite this, many of our member firms are not actively recruiting overseas at the moment because of a lack of confidence in the current immigration settings and processes.
What we'll cover
In this webinar we'll cover:
- ACE New Zealand CEO, Helen Davidson will share our joint survey results around the current demand for talent across our sector in Aotearoa
- HainesAttract Recruitment will share their survey results on the current demand from talent overseas to immigrate to Aotearoa to work in our sector
- Immigration NZ will share the immigration process and how our members can best navigate it and pull together a strong application for a border exception
- The Construction Sector Accord will go over the process for applying for the group MIQ allocation and what information decision-makers need
- Shared stories of employers who have been successful in applying for border exceptions
This will be followed by questions and answers.
The webinar will be recorded and made available to our members.
Secure your place for this webinar by registering