2018 Innovate Awards winners
Gold award winners
Scott Statue Remediation - Ruamoko Solutions Ltd for Christchurch City Council
The reinstatement of the damaged Captain Robert Falcon Scott Statue in central Christchurch is an excellent example of superb consulting used for a complex and unique project. The Captain Robert Falcon Scott Statue is 100 plus years old, originally carved from one solid piece of flawed marble. During the February 2011 earthquake, it fell off its plinth and was badly damaged at the thinnest point in the statue, the ankles. Ruamoko Solutions was selected as the consultant for the repair, strengthening, and reinstatement of this priceless and internationally important heritage statue.
Ruamoko Solutions was a key member of a project team assembled to pioneer multiple solutions for this project. The agreed solution addressed the complex challenge to repair and strengthen the severely damaged statue, while absolutely minimising the visual effects of the repair work both now and into the future. Another key goal for the solution was not to have any adverse impact on the heritage material.
Wairakei B Station Gas Removal System Upgrade - Jacobs for Contact Energy
The Wairakei Power Station, located north of Lake Taupo, is over 60 years old (typical economic life of this type of power station is 25 years). This station comprises three 30MW mixed pressure generating units with direct contact condensers and all-ejector gas removal systems which remove non-condensable gases. The purpose of the GRS is to remove the NCGs which affect the performance of the plant and discharge them into the atmosphere in accordance with environmental permits that allow the harnessing the natural geothermal power of New Zealand.
Canterbury Earthquakes Complex Land Damage Assessment of increased liquefaction and flooding vulnerability - Tonkin + Taylor for Earthquake Commission
The Canterbury earthquakes of 2010-2011 caused widespread liquefaction related land damage throughout the Christchurch area affecting 85% of the residential flat land properties, the most ever witnessed worldwide in an urban setting. The land damage included liquefaction ejecta, liquefaction-induced subsidence and lateral spreading, resulting in extensive ground surface deformations and hence substantial damage to buildings and infrastructure. To quantify the extents and severity of liquefaction related land damage to urban residential properties for the Earthquake Commission, Tonkin + Taylor mapped the observed land damage after each main earthquake event.
Silver award winners
- Perry Bridge by Holmes Consulting
- Western Ring Route Operational Integration by Aurecon
- SH5/SH30 Hemo Gorge Intersection Improvements by WSP Opus
- Pita Te Hori District Energy Scheme by Aurecon
Merit award winners
- Cyclone Winston Pro-Bono Rapid Disaster Mapping: UNOCHA Fiji by Tonkin + Taylor
- Temporary Works for the Recovery of Container Operations, Thorndon Container Wharf by Holmes Consulting, WSP Opus, and Tonkin + Taylor
- Wilton Substation 110kV Bus Rationalisation by AECOM
- Hawera Substation Refurbishment by Beca
- University of Auckland Science School by Beca
- Waikoukou, 22 Boulcott Street by Beca
- Wigram-Magdala Link Bridge by WSP Opus
- Building Material Information System by ENGEO